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Yolanda Barco, J.D. 1949

Yolanda Barco was a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and a trailblazer in the cable television industry, despite often being overshadowed by her father's legacy. She achieved several notable firsts, including becoming the first woman general manager of a cable system, the first woman elected to the NCTA board of directors, and the first woman to serve as president of a state cable industry association, where she served three terms, a feat unmatched by anyone else. Barco's legacy in the cable industry paved the way for future generations of women. She believed that leadership, especially in the cable industry, starts with education and community involvement. Despite her achievements, Yolanda remained humble, always prioritizing the greater good over personal gain. Yolanda's impact on the cable industry and her community was profound, showcasing her as a pioneering leader and a role model for women in business and law.

This Bronze Sculpture of Yolanda G. Barco was dedicated to the Barco Law Library. In 1986, Yolanda Barco and her father, George J. Barco, created the George J. Barco and Yolanda G. Barco Permanent Endowment for Enhancement of the Law Library. The endowment provides funds to maintain excellence in law library services by responding fully to the teaching and research missions of the law school and providing a continuing learning resource for law practitioners. A plaque displayed on the wall by the bust (seen below) reads: "The Barco family, George (Law '34) and Emmaline Barco, Yolanda Barco (Law '49), and James and Helene Barco Duratz, epitomize the ideal of dedicated professionalism and service to the community. Through the Barco and Barco Law Film, the Pennsylvania Cable Network and as Cable Television pioneers, they committed themselves tirelessly to a range of important projects designed to improve the legal profession and society at large. Their support of this law library is the product of their devotion to the rule of law, their belief that information and the knowledge that it brings should be widely shared and their loyalty to the University of Pittsburgh. Generations of the library patrons will benefit from their extraordinary generosity."

Barco Plaque displayed in the Barco Law Library reads: "The Barco family, George (Law &#x27;34) and Emmaline Barco, Yolanda Barco (Law &#x27;49), and James and Helene Barco Duratz, epitomize the ideal of dedicated professionalism and service to the community. Through the Barco and Barco Law Film, the Pennsylvania Cable Network and as Cable Television pioneers, they committed themselves tirelessly to a range of important projects designed to improve the legal profession and society at large. Their support of this law library is the product of their devotion to the rule of law, their belief that information and the knowledge that it brings should be widely shared and their loyalty to the University of Pittsburgh. Generations of the library patrons will benefit from their extraordinary generosity."

To learn more about Yolanda Barco, check out her Alumni Highlight, part of our Breaking Barriers: Celebrating Diversity at Pitt Law Exhibit.