

Welcome to the Barco Law Library Archives and Special Collections

The Barco Law Library Archives and Special Collections (henceforth ASC) is a digital and physical repository housed within the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. It is responsible for the acquisition, preservation, storage, exhibition, and access of published and unpublished materials. The ASC maintains a valuable repository that preserves the unique heritage of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, dating back to 1843 when the first law courses were offered at the University of Pittsburgh (formerly Western University of Pennsylvania). These collections have been amassed through gifts, transfers from the general collection, and selective purchases. They include photographic material providing insights into the rich history of the law school, showcasing its physical evolution, events, and depictions of faculty, students, and staff; historical publications such as newspapers, yearbooks, bulletins, and event ephemera; artwork depicting key figures of the law school, and rare materials already owned by the School of Law or acquired over time. Some records pertaining to the operations of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law are maintained by the University Archives.

If you are interested in specific holdings in Barco Law Library Archives and Special Collections, please visit the collections below, our Barco Law Library Archives and Special Collections Research Guide, our Digital Exhibits, or contact our professional staff at or (412) 648-1325.


Browse the Archives Collections:

Digital Archives

Robert Berkley Harper Collection

Roz Litman Collection