Content Posted in 2020
A Case of Motivated Cultural Cognition: China's Normative Arbitration of International Business Disputes, Pat K. Chew
Access-to-Justice Analysis on a Due Process Platform, Ronald A. Brand
A Changing Mosaic in SEC Regulation and Enforcement: Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisers, Douglas M. Branson
A Critical Research Agenda for Wills, Trusts and Estates, Bridget J. Crawford and Anthony C. Infanti
Across the Hudson: Taking the Stop and Frisk Debate Beyond New York City, David A. Harris
Administrative Truth: Comments on Cortez’s Information Mischief, David Thaw
Affirmative Action as Government Speech, William M. Carter Jr.
A First Look at the Proposed 'Fraudulent Joinder Prevention Act of 2015', Arthur D. Hellman
'A Flame of Fire': The Fourth Amendment in Perilous Times, John Burkoff
Afterword: Kindling the Programmatic Production of Critical and Outsider Legal Scholarship, 1996-2016, Sarudzayi M. Matambanadzo; Francisco Valdes; and Sheila I, Velez Martinez
A History of the Law of Assisted Dying in the United States, Alan Meisel
A Jurisdictional Approach to Collapsing Corporate Distinctions, Peter B. Oh
Ancient Worries and Modern Fears: Different Roots and Common Effects of U.S. and EU Privacy Regulation, David Thaw and Pierluigi Perri
An Essay for Professor Alan Bromberg: Removing the Taint from Past Illegal Offers and Sales - 40 Years Later, Douglas M. Branson
An Essay on the Need for Subsidized, Mandatory Long-Term Care Insurance, Lawrence A. Frolik
Another Voice for the 'Dialogue': Federal Courts as a Litigation Course, Arthur D. Hellman
An Unfinished Dialogue: Congress, the Judiciary, and the Rules for Federal Judicial Misconduct Proceedings, Arthur D. Hellman
A Pattern-Oriented Approach to Fair Use, Michael J. Madison
Arab Spring, Libyan Liberation and the Externally Imposed Democratic Revolution, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Are Literary Agents (Really) Fiduciaries?, Jacqueline Lipton
A Response to Professor Leff’s Tax Planning 'Olive Branch' for Marijuana Dealers, Philip Hackney
A Return to Old-Time Religion? The Glass-Steagall Act, the Volcker Rule, Limits on Proprietary Trading, and Sustainability, Douglas M. Branson
Are You Still My Mother?: Interstate Recognition of Adoptions by Gays and Lesbians, Rhonda Wasserman
Ascertainability: Prose, Policy, and Process, Rhonda Wasserman
A System of Men and Not of Laws: What Due Process Tells Us About the Deficiencies in Institutional Review Boards, Greer Donley
A Taxing Feminism, Anthony C. Infanti and Bridget J. Crawford
A Theory of Adjudication: Law as Magic, Jessie Allen
A Thirteenth Amendment Framework for Combating Racial Profiling, William M. Carter Jr.
At the Tipping Point: Race and Gender Discrimination in a Common Economic Transaction, Lu-in Wang
Authority and Authors and Codes, Michael J. Madison
A View of the Dutch IPO Cathedral, Peter B. Oh
Back to Basics: Excavating the Sex Discrimination Roots of Campus Sexual Assault, Deborah Brake
Bad Faith in Cyberspace: Grounding Domain Name Theory in Trademark, Property and Restitution, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Behavioral Genetics and the Best Interests of the Child Decision Rule, David J. Herring
Between Realism and Resistance: Shi'I Islam and the Contemporary Liberal State, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Beyond Creativity: Copyright as Knowledge Law, Michael J. Madison
Beyond Cybersquatting: Taking Domain Name Disputes Past Trademark Policy, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Beyond Rights: Legal Process and Ethnic Conflicts, Elena Baylis
Big (Gay) Love: Has the IRS Legalized Polygamy?, Anthony C. Infanti
Biobanks as Knowledge Institutions, Michael J. Madison
Board Rooms and Jail Cells- Assessing NGO Approaches to Private Environmental Governance, Joshua Galperin
Book Review of 'Havens in a Storm: The Struggle for Global Tax Regulation', Anthony C. Infanti
Brandeis & Warren's 'The Right to Privacy and the Birth of the Right to Privacy', Ben Bratman
Bringing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity into the Tax Classroom, Anthony C. Infanti
Bundling Justice: Medicaid's Support for Housing, Mary Crossley
Can a Theory of Interpretation Make a Difference?, George H. Taylor
Celebrity in Cyberspace: A Personality Rights Paradigm for Personal Domain Name Disputes, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Challenges to Forum Non Conveniens, Ronald A. Brand
Charitable Organization Oversight: Rules v. Standards, Philip Hackney
Chief Judge Proctor Hug, Jr. and the Split that Didn't Happen, Arthur D. Hellman
Child Placement Decisions: The Relevance of Facial Resemblance and Biological Relationships, David J. Herring
CISG Article 31: When Substantive Law Rules Affect Jurisdictional Results, Ronald A. Brand
Class as Caste: The Thirteenth Amendment’s Applicability to Class-Based Subordination, William M. Carter Jr.
Clinical Legal Education: Energy and Transformation, David J. Herring
'Coming to Our Senses': Communication and Legal Expression in Performance Cultures, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Comments on Proposed Amendments to the Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings, Arthur D. Hellman
Comments on Proposed Treasury Regulations Defining Terms Relating to Marital Status, Anthony C. Infanti and The American Bar Association
Commons at the Intersection of Peer Production, Citizen Science, and Big Data: Galaxy Zoo, Michael J. Madison
Community Competence for Matters of Judicial Cooperation at the Hague Conference on Private International Law: A View from the United States, Ronald A. Brand
Comparative Forum Non Conveniens and the Hague Judgments Convention, Ronald A. Brand
Comparative Law and the Legal Origins Thesis: [N]on Scholae sed Vitae Discimus, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Comparative Method and International Litigation 2020, Ronald A. Brand
Comparing the Effects of Judges' Gender and Arbitrators' Gender in Sex Discrimination Cases and Why It Matters, Pat K. Chew
Comparing the General Good Faith Provisions of the PECL and the UCC: Appearance and Reality, Harry Flechtner
Conflict of Interest and Disqualification in the Federal Courts: Suggestions for Reform, Arthur D. Hellman
Conflicts between the Commander in Chief and Congress: Concurrent Power Over the Conduct of War, Jules Lobel
Constructing Commons in the Cultural Environment, Michael J. Madison, Brett M. Frischmann, and Katherine J. Strandburg
Contextual Analysis in Arbitration, Pat K. Chew
Contraceptive Equity: Curing the Sex Discrimination in the ACA's Mandate, Greer Donley
Contrasts in Innovation: Pittsburgh Then and Now, Michael J. Madison
Controversies in Tax Law: A Matter of Perspective (Introduction), Anthony C. Infanti
Cooperation in Legal Education and Legal Reform, Ronald A. Brand
Core Values in Conflict: The United States Approach to Economic Assistance to the Elderly, Lawrence A. Frolik
Corporate Governance Reform and the 'New' Corporate Social Responsibility, Douglas M. Branson
Coworker Retaliation in the #MeToo Era, Deborah Brake
Creativity and Craft, Michael J. Madison
Criminalizing Hacking, Not Dating: Reconstructing the CFAA Intent Requirement, David Thaw
Critical Hermeneutics: The Intertwining of Explanation and Understanding as Exemplified in Legal Analysis, George H. Taylor
Critical Tax Theory: An Introduction, Anthony C. Infanti and Bridget J. Crawford
Curtailing Tax Treaty Overrides: A Call to Action, Anthony C. Infanti
Cybersecurity Stovepiping, David Thaw
Cy Pres in Class Action Settlements, Rhonda Wasserman
Data Breach (Regulatory) Effects, David Thaw
Data Governance and the Emerging University, Michael J. Madison
Decentralizing Family: An Inclusive Proposal for Individual Tax Filing in the United States, Anthony C. Infanti
Declining Controversial Cases: How Marriage Equality Changed the Paradigm, Elena Baylis
Deconstructing the Duty to the Tax System: Unfettering Zealous Advocacy on Behalf of Lesbian and Gay Taxpayers, Anthony C. Infanti
Defining and Closing the Hydraulic Fracturing Governance Gap, Joshua Galperin, Grace Heusner, and Allison Sloto
De-Limiting Rules, Peter B. Oh
Derivative Works 2.0: Reconsidering Transformative Use in the Age of Crowdsourced Creation, Jacqueline D. Lipton and John Tehranian
Derrick Bell's Narratives as Parables, George H. Taylor
Dignity Transacted, Lu-in Wang and Zachary W. Brewster
Dimensions of Equality in Regulating Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Mary Crossley
Direct Effect of International Economic Law in the United States and the European Union, Ronald A. Brand
Disability Cultural Competence in the Medical Profession, Mary Crossley
Discrimination Against the Unhealthy in Health Insurance, Mary Crossley
Discrimination Inward and Upward: Lessons on Law and Social Inequality from the Troubling Case of Women Coaches, Deborah L. Brake
Dismembering Families, Anthony C. Infanti
Disregarding the Salomon Principle: An Empirical Analysis, 1885–2014, Peter B. Oh and Alan J. Dignam
Dissecting O'Donnabhain, Anthony C. Infanti
Distance Legal Education: Lessons from the *Virtual* Classroom, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Documentary Disenfranchisement, Jessie Allen
Does the Compensation Clause Burden the Government or Benefit the Owner? The Compensation Clause as Process, Joshua Galperin
Dueling Class Actions, Rhonda Wasserman
Due Process, Jurisdiction and a Hague Judgments Convention, Ronald A. Brand
Eating Is Not Political Action, Joshua Galperin, Graham Downey, and D. Lee Miller
Emote Control: The Substitution of Symbol for Substance in Foreign Policy and International Law, Jules Lobel and George Loewenstein
Empirical Doctrine, Jessie Allen
Ending-Life Decisions: Some Disability Perspectives, Mary Crossley
Enforcement of Foreign Money-Judgments in the United States: In Search of Uniformity and International Acceptance, Ronald A. Brand
Enlightened Regulatory Capture, David Thaw
Enron - When All Systems Fail: Creative Destruction or Roadmap to Corporate Governance Reform?, Douglas M. Branson
Ensuring an Exemplary Judiciary Workplace: An Alternative to a Mandatory Reporting Requirement for Judges, Arthur D. Hellman
Essay: Cooperative Federalism and Federal Takings After the Trump Administration's Border Wall Executive Order, Gerald S. Dickinson
European Union's New Role in International Private Litigation, Ronald A. Brand
Everything Old Is New Again: Does the '.sucks' gTLD Change the Regulatory Paradigm in North America?, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Evolutionary Theory and Kinship Foster Care: An Initial Test of Two Hypotheses, David J. Herring, Jeffrey J. Shook, Sara Goodkind, and Kevin H. Kim
Exchange Loss Damages and the Uniform Foreign-Money Claims Act: The Emperor Hasn't All His Clothes, Ronald A. Brand
'Experiential Education Through the Vis Moot' and 'Building on the Bergsten Legacy: The Vis Moot as a Platform for Legal Education', Ronald A. Brand
External Sovereignty and International Law, Ronald A. Brand
Extraterritoriality, Universal Jurisdiction, and the Challenge of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., Vivian Grosswald Curran
Fair Play: Notes on the Algorithmic Soccer Referee, Michael J. Madison
Family Law Disputes Between International Couples in U.S. Courts, Rhonda Wasserman
Federalism and the Allocation of Sovereignty Beyond the State in the European Union, Ronald A. Brand
Federalism, Convergence, and Divergence in Constitutional Property, Gerald S. Dickinson
Federal Judicial Center International Litigation Guide: Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, Ronald A. Brand
Federal Rule 44.1: Foreign Law in U.S. Courts Today, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Fighting the Rape Culture Wars Through the Preponderance of the Evidence Standard, Deborah Brake
Forces Shaping the Law of Cohabitation of Opposite Sex Couples, Margaret Mahoney
Foreword: On Publishing Anonymously, Anthony C. Infanti
Foreword SNX 2014: Challenges to Justice Education: South-North Perspectives, Sheila I. Velez Martinez
Foreword to Latcrit 2017 Symposium: What's Next? Resistance Resilience and Community in the Trump Era, Sarudzayi M. Matambanadzo, Jorge R. Roig, and Sheila I. Velez Martinez
Foster Care Placement: Reducing the Risk of Sibling Incest, David J. Herring
Foster Care Safety and the Kinship Cue of Attitude Similarity, David J. Herring
Freeing Racial Harassment from the Sexual Harassment Model, Pat K. Chew
Function and Dysfunction in Post-Conflict Justice Networks and Communities, Elena Baylis
Fundamental Norms, International Law, and the Extraterritorial Constitution, Jules Lobel
Funky Mussels, a Stolen Car, and Decrepit Used Shoes: Non-Conforming Goods and Notice Thereof under the United Nations Sales Convention, Harry Flechtner
Future Claimants and the Quest for Global Peace, Rhonda Wasserman
Gatekeeping, Peter B. Oh
Getting It Right: Panel Error and the En Banc Process in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Arthur D. Hellman
Globalization, Legal Transnationalization and Crimes Against Humanity: The Lipietz Case, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Governing Knowledge Commons -- Introduction & Chapter 1, Brett M. Frischmann, Michael J. Madison, and Katherine J. Strandburg
Governing Medical Knowledge Commons - Introduction and Chapter 1, Katherine J. Strandburg, Brett M. Frischmann, and Michael J. Madison
Harmonizing Multinational Parent Company Liability for Foreign Subsidiary Human Rights Violations, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Hate Crimes and Everyday Discrimination: Influences of and on the Social Context, Lu-in Wang
Hegemonic Marriage: The Collision of 'Transformative' Same-Sex Marriage with Reactionary Tax Law, Anthony C. Infanti
Homo Sacer, Homosexual: Some Thoughts on Waging Tax Guerrilla Warfare, Anthony C. Infanti
Identitarian Violence and Identitarian Politics: Elections and Governance in Iraq, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Immigration and National Security: The Illusion of Safety Through Local Law Enforcement Action, David A. Harris
Impeaching a Federal Judge: Some Lessons from History, Arthur D. Hellman
Improving the Performance of the Performance Test: The Key to Meaningful Bar Exam Reform, Ben Bratman
Inclusionary Eminent Domain, Gerald S. Dickinson
Inclusionary Takings Legislation, Gerald S. Dickinson
Inequitable Administration: Documenting Family for Tax Purposes, Anthony C. Infanti
Information Abundance and Knowledge Commons, Michael J. Madison
Innovators, Esq.: Training the Next Generation of Lawyer Social Entrepreneurs, Stephanie Dangel and Michael J. Madison
Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce and the Preliminary Draft Hague Jurisdiction and Judgments Convention, Ronald A. Brand
International Trade Law and the Arbitration of Administrative Law Matters: Farrel v. U.S. International Trade Commission, Ronald A. Brand
Internation Equity and Human Development, Anthony C. Infanti
Intratextual and Intradoctrinal Dimensions of the Constitutional Home, Gerald S. Dickinson
Introduction to Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Tax Opinions, Anthony C. Infanti and Bridget J. Crawford
Is a Guardian the Alter Ego of the Ward?, Lawrence A. Frolik
Is Environmental Law a Barrier to Emerging Alternative Energy Sources, Amy J. Wildermuth
Judicial Activism: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Arthur D. Hellman
Judicial Review and United States Supreme Court Citations to Foreign and International Law, Ronald A. Brand
Justice O'Connor and 'The Threat to Judicial Independence': The Cowgirl Who Cried Wolf?, Arthur D. Hellman
Kinship Foster Care: Implications of Behavioral Biology Research, David J. Herring
Knowledge Commons (2016), Michael J. Madison, Katherine J. Strandburg, and Brett M. Frischmann
Knowledge Commons (2019), Michael J. Madison, Brett M. Frischmann, and Katherine J. Strandburg
Knowledge Curation, Michael J. Madison
Landowners' FCC Dilemma: Rereading the Supreme Court's Armstrong Opinion After the Third Circuit's DePolo Ruling, Gerald S. Dickinson
Last Writes? Re-Assessing the Law Review in the Age of Cyberspace, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Law and Human Suffering: A Slice of Life in Vichy France, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Law as Design: Objects, Concepts, and Digital Things, Michael J. Madison
Lawyering in Place: Topographies of Practice and Pleadings in Pittsburgh, 1775-1895, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Lawyers at Work: A Study of the Reading, Writing, and Communication Practices of Legal Professionals, Ann N. Sinsheimer and David J. Herring
Leading New Lawyers: Leadership and Legal Education, Michael J. Madison
Learning by Doing: An Experience with Outcomes Assessment, Mary Crossley and Lu-in Wang
Legal Interpretation: The Window of the Text as Transparent, Opaque, or Translucent, George H. Taylor
Legal Process in a Box, or What Class Action Waivers Teach Us About Law-Making, Rhonda Wasserman
Legal Scholarship, Humility, and the Scientific Method, David J. Herring
Legal-Ware: Contract and Copyright in the Digital Age, Michael J. Madison
LGBT Families, Tax Nothings, Anthony C. Infanti
LGBT Taxpayers: A Collision of 'Others', Anthony C. Infanti
Lobbying Disclosure: A Recipe for Reform, William Luneburg and Thomas Susman
'Lone Wolf' Terrorism and the Classical Jihad: On the Contingencies of Violent Islamic Extremism, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Making Motions: The Embodiment of Law in Gestures, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Making Sense of Metaphors: Visuality, Aurality and the Reconfiguration of American Legal Discourse, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Managed Care, Autonomy, and Decision-Making at The End-of-Life, Alan Meisel
Mapping Online Privacy, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Martial Lawyers: Lawyering and War-Waging in American History, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Massachusetts v. EPA: Breaking New Ground on Issues Other than Global Warming, Amy J. Wildermuth and Kathryn A. Watts
Mass Torts and Universal Jurisdiction, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Minority Rights, Minority Wrongs, Elena Baylis
Muhammad's Social Justice or Muslim Cant?: Langdellianism and the Failures of Islamic Finance, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Myth of the Color-Blind Judge: An Empirical Analysis of Racial Harassment Cases, Pat K. Chew and Robert E. Kelley
Negotiating the Situation: The Reasonable Person in Context, Lu-in Wang
Nominating Manfred Forberich: The Worst CISG Decision in 25 Years?, Harry Flechtner and Joseph Lookofsky
Non-Profit Hospitals, Tax Exemptions and Access for the Uninsured, Mary Crossley
Of Coase and Comics, or, The Comedy of Copyright, Michael J. Madison
On the Contemporary Meaning of Korematsu: 'Liberty Lies in the Hearts of Men and Women', David A. Harris
Opening the Red Door to Chinese Arbitrations: An Empirical Analysis of CIETAC Cases (1990-2000), Pat K. Chew
Open Secrets, Michael J. Madison
Opioids and Converging Interests, Mary Crossley
Outsourcing Investigations, Elena Baylis
Parallel Courts in Post-Conflict Kosovo, Elena Baylis
Parental Autonomy over Prenatal End-of-Life Decisions, Greer Donley
Party Autonomy and Access to Justice in the UNCITRAL Online Dispute Resolution Project, Ronald A. Brand
Pathways for Women to Senior Management Positions and Board Seats: An A-Z List, Douglas M. Branson
Perceiving Subtle Sexism: Mapping the Social-Psychological Forces and Legal Narratives that Obscure Gender Bias, Deborah L. Brake
Pharmacists, Physician-Assisted Suicide, and Pain Control, Alan Meisel
Picture This: Body Worn Video Devices ('Head Cams') as Tools for Ensuring Fourth Amendment Compliance by Police, David A. Harris
Political Justice and Tax Policy: The Social Welfare Organization Case, Philip Hackney
Political Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment, Alan Meisel
Post-Graduate Legal Training: The Case for Tax-Exempt Programs, Philip Hackney and Adam Chodorow
Pragmatism, Pragtivism, and Private Environmental Governance, Joshua Galperin
Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Not the Solution to the High Cost of Long-Term Care for the Elderly, Lawrence A. Frolik
Prolonged Solitary Confinement and the Constitution, Jules Lobel
Promoting Judicial Acceptance and Use of Limited Guardianship, Lawrence A. Frolik
Promoting the Rule of Law: Cooperation and Competition in the EU-US Relationship, Ronald A. Brand
Proposals for Corporate Governance Reform: Six Decades of Ineptitude and Counting, Douglas M. Branson
Proposed Amendments to the Federal Judicial Misconduct Rules: Comments and Suggestions, Arthur D. Hellman
Prop Up the Heavenly Chorus? Labor Unions, Tax Policy, and Political Voice Equality, Philip Hackney
Protecting Our Aging Retirees: Converting 401(K) Accounts into Federally Guaranteed Lifetime Annuities, Lawrence A. Frolik
Punitive Damages Revisited: Taking the Rationale for Non-Recognition of Foreign Judgments Too Far, Ronald A. Brand
Qualification of Taxable Entities and Treaty Protection, Anthony C. Infanti and Bernard Moens
Race as Proxy: Situational Racism and Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes, Lu-in Wang
Race, Religion and Law: The Tension Between Spirit and its Institutionalization, George H. Taylor
Race, Rights, and the Thirteenth Amendment: Defining the Badges and Incidents of Slavery, William M. Carter Jr.
Racial Profiling: Past, Present, and Future, David A. Harris
Racism as 'The National Crucial Sin': Theology and Derrick Bell, George H. Taylor
Reasonable Accommodation as Part and Parcel of the Antidiscrimination Project, Mary Crossley
Reasonable Expectations of Privacy Settings: Social Media and the Stored Communications Act, David Thaw, Christopher Borchert, and Fernando Pinguelo
Reassessing the Role of International Criminal Law: Rebuilding National Courts through Transnational Networks, Elena Baylis
Recognition of Foreign Judgments in China: The Liu Case and the 'Belt and Road' Initiative, Ronald A. Brand
Recognizing Opportunistic Bias Crimes, Lu-in Wang
Reconstructing the Software License, Michael J. Madison
Reflections on Seminole Rock: The Past, Present, and Future of Deference to Agency Regulatory Interpretations, Amy J. Wildermuth and Sanne H. Knudsen
Regulation of Encapsulated Placenta, Greer Donley
Re-Membering Law in the Internationalizing World, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Reply: The Complexity of Commons, Michael J. Madison, Brett M. Frischmann, and Katherine J. Strandburg
Reproducing Dignity: Race, Disability, and Reproductive Controls, Mary Crossley
Resilience and Raisins: Partial Takings and Coastal Climate Change Adaptation, Joshua Galperin and Zahir Hadi Tajani
Resurrecting Islam or Cementing Social Hierarchy?: Reexamining the Codification of 'Islamic' Personal Status Law, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Retaliation, Deborah Brake
Rethinking ERISA's Promise of Income Security in a World of 401(k) Plans, Lawrence A. Frolik
Rethinking Subsidiarity in International Human Rights Adjudication, William M. Carter Jr.
Revisiting Title IX's Feminist Legacy: Moving Beyond The Three-Part Test, Deborah Brake
Rewriting Fair Use and the Future of Copyright Reform, Michael J. Madison
Rights of Access and the Shape of the Internet, Michael J. Madison
Riley v. California and the Beginning of the End for the Third-Party Search Doctrine, David A. Harris
Romantic Common Law, Enlightened Civil Law: Legal Uniformity and the Homogenization of the European Union, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Search Me?, John Burkoff
Secret Class Action Settlements, Rhonda Wasserman
Seeing Subtle Racism, Pat K. Chew
Selected Issues Relating to the CISG's Scope of Application, Harry Flechtner
Sending the Bureaucracy to War, Elena Baylis and David Zaring
Sex and the Shari’a: Defining Gender Norms and Sexual Deviancy in Shi’i Islam, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Sex, Drugs, and Democracy: Who's Afraid of Free Speech?, Arthur D. Hellman
Should the IRS Never 'Target' Taxpayers? An Examination of the IRS Tea Party Affair, Philip Hackney
Snapback! A Narrowly Tailored Legislative Solution to the Problem of Snap Removal, Arthur D. Hellman
Snapback, Version 2.0: The Best Solution to the Problem of Snap Removal, Arthur D. Hellman
Social Software, Groups, and Governance, Michael J. Madison
Solving the Puzzle of Mead and Christensen: What Would Justice Stevens Do, Amy J. Wildermuth
Some Optimism About Fair Use and Copyright Law, Michael J. Madison
Sovereignty: The State, the Individual, and the International Legal System in the Twenty First Century, Ronald A. Brand
Special Report: Kosovo After the ICJ Opinion, Introduction, Ronald A. Brand
Standing, on Appeal, Amy J. Wildermuth and Lincoln L. Davies
State Constitutional General Welfare Doctrine, Gerald S. Dickinson
Statement on 'Bringing Justice Closer to the People: Examining Ideas for Restructuring the Ninth Circuit', Arthur D. Hellman
Stepparents as Third Parties in Relation to Their Stepchildren, Margaret Mahoney
Subtly Sexist Language, Pat K. Chew and Lauren K. Kelley-Chew
'Suitable Targets'? Parallels and Connections between 'Hate Crimes' and 'Driving While Black', Lu-in Wang
Suppose the Schindlers Had Won the Schiavo Case, Alan Meisel
Surrogate Decision-Making Standards for Guardians: Theory and Reality, Lawrence A. Frolik and Linda S. Whitton
Surveillance at the Source, David Thaw
Surveying the Legal Landscape for Pennsylvania Same-Sex Couples, Anthony C. Infanti
(Systems) Thinking Like a Lawyer, Tomar Pierson-Brown
Tax as Urban Legend, Anthony C. Infanti
Tax Equity, Anthony C. Infanti
Tax-Exempt Hospitals, Community Health Needs and Addressing Disparities, Mary Crossley
Taxing Civil Rights Gains, Anthony C. Infanti
Taxing the Unheavenly Chorus: Why Section 501(C)(6) Trade Associations are Undeserving of Tax Exemption, Philip Hackney
Tax Protest, a Homosexual, and Frivolity: A Deconstructionist Meditation, Anthony C. Infanti
Tax Reform Discourse, Anthony C. Infanti
Tenure Redux, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Terry Stops and Frisks: The Troubling Use of Common Sense in a World of Empirical Data, David A. Harris and David Rudovsky
The 1969 Tax Reform Act and Charities: Fifty Years Later, Philip Hackney
Theater of International Justice, Jessie Allen
The Broken Medicare Appeals System: Failed Regulatory Solutions and the Promise of Federal Litigation, Greer Donley
The Continuing Evolution of U.S. Judgments Recognition Law, Ronald A. Brand
The Critical Tax Project, Feminist Theory, and Rewriting Judicial Opinions, Anthony C. Infanti and Bridget J. Crawford
The Curious Complications with Back-End Opt-Out Rights, Rhonda Wasserman
The Death of Islamic Law, Haider Ala Hamoudi
The Developing Field of Elder Law Redux: Ten Years After, Lawrence A. Frolik
The Dutch Auction Myth, Peter B. Oh
The Efficacy of Cybersecurity Regulation, David Thaw
The Equitable Distribution of Marital Debts, Margaret Mahoney
The Failure of Title VII as a Rights-Claiming System, Deborah Brake and Joanna L. Grossman
The Federal Judicial Conduct and Disability System: Unfinished Business for Congress and for the Judiciary, Arthur D. Hellman
The Football as Intellectual Property Object, Michael J. Madison
The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act's Evolving Genocide Exception, Vivian Grosswald Curran
The Fourth Amendment and Terrorism, John Burkoff
The Hague Judgments Convention in the United States: A “Game Changer” or a New Path to the Old Game?, Ronald A. Brand
The Heart of the Game: Putting Race and Educational Equity at the Center of Title IX, Deborah L. Brake and Verna L. Williams
The House of Windsor: Accentuating the Heteronormativity in the Tax Incentives for Procreation, Anthony C. Infanti
The Idea of the Law Review: Scholarship, Prestige, and Open Access, Michael J. Madison
The Importance of Research on Race and Policing: Making Race Salient to Individuals and Institutions Within Criminal Justice, David A. Harris
The International Law Commission's Soft Law Influence, Elena Baylis
The Invisible Pregnant Athlete and the Promise of Title IX, Deborah Brake
'The Law of the Circuit' Revisited: What Role for Majority Rule?, Arthur D. Hellman
The Lawyer as Legal Scholar, Michael J. Madison
The Legal and Medical Necessity of Abortion Care Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Greer Donley, Beatrice Chen, and Sonya Borrero
The Life of Administrative Democracy, Joshua Galperin
The Moonscape of Tax Equality: Windsor and Behyond, Anthony C. Infanti
The Muezzin's Call and the Dow Jones Bell: On the Necessity of Realism in the Study of Islamic Law, Haider Ala Hamoudi
The Narratives of Cyberspace Law (or, Learning from Casablanca), Michael J. Madison
The Next Step: The Integration of Energy Law and Environmental Law, Amy J. Wildermuth
The Persistence of Proximate Cause: How Legal Doctrine Thrives on Skepticism, Jessie Allen
The Persuasive Authority of Internationalized Criminal Tribunals, Elena Baylis
The Pervasiveness of Culture in Conflict, Pat K. Chew
The Promises of Freedom: The Contemporary Relevance of the Thirteenth Amendment, William M. Carter Jr.
The Proposed Domestic Reverse Hybrid Entity Regulations: Can the Treasury Department Override Treaties?, Anthony C. Infanti
The Puzzle of the Constitutional Home, Gerald S. Dickinson
The Realism of Race in Judicial Decision Making: An Empirical Analysis of Plaintiffs' Race and Judges' Race, Pat K. Chew and Robert E. Kelley
The Regulation of Judicial Ethics in the Federal System: A Peek Behind Closed Doors, Arthur D. Hellman
The Republic of Letters and the Origins of Scientific Knowledge Commons, Michael J. Madison
The Rule of Law: China's Skepticism and the Rule of People, Pat K. Chew
The Rule that Isn't a Rule - the Business Judgment Rule, Douglas M. Branson
The Shifting Sands of Employment Discrimination: From Unjustified Impact to Disparate Treatment in Pregnancy and Pay, Deborah L. Brake
The Social Responsibility of Large Multinational Corporations, Douglas M. Branson
The Stories, the Statistics and the Law: Why 'Driving While Black' Matters University of Minnesota Law Review, Vol. 84, No. 2, 1999, David A. Harris
The Struggle for Sex Equality in Sport and the Theory Behind Title IX, Deborah Brake
The Supreme Court’s Two Constitutions: A First Look at the “Reverse Polarity” Cases, Arthur D. Hellman
The Technology of Law, Bernard J. Hibbitts
The Ten Commandments as Secular Historic Artifact or Sacred Religious Text: Using Modrovich V. Allegheny County to Illustrate How Words Create Reality, Ann N. Sinsheimer
The Thirteenth Amendment and Constitutional Change, William M. Carter Jr.
The Thirteenth Amendment and Pro-Equality Speech, William M. Carter Jr.
The University as Constructed Cultural Commons, Michael J. Madison, Brett M. Frischmann, and Katherine J. Strandburg
The Very Uncertain Prospect of 'Global' Convergence in Corporate Governance, Douglas M. Branson
The view from the trenches: report on the breakout sessions at the 2005 national conference on appellate justice, Arthur D. Hellman
The War on Terror, Local Police, and Immigration Enforcement: A Curious Tale of Police Power in Post-9/11 America, David A. Harris
Threats to Medicaid and Health Equity Intersections, Mary Crossley
Title IX as Pragmatic Feminism, Deborah Brake
To (C) or Not to (C)? Copyright and Innovation in the Digital Typeface Industry, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Tolling: The American Pipe Tolling Rule and Successive Class Actions, Rhonda Wasserman
Towards a New Eviction Jurisprudence, Gerald S. Dickinson
Towards an Outcrit Pedagogy of Anti-Subordination in the Classroom, Sheila I. Velez Martinez
Tracing, Peter B. Oh
Transnational Class Actions and Interjurisdictional Preclusion, Rhonda Wasserman
Treaties and the Separation of Powers in the United States: A Reassessment after Medellin v. Texas, Ronald A. Brand
Treaties as Law and the Rule of Law: The Judicial Power to Compel Domestic Treaty Implementation, William M. Carter Jr.
Tribunal-Hopping with the Post-Conflict Justice Junkies, Elena Baylis
Troxel and the Rhetoric of Associational Respect, David J. Herring
Trust Me, I'm a Pragmatist: A Partially Pragmatic Critique of Pragmatic Activism, Joshua Galperin
Understanding Access to Things: A Knowledge Commons Perspective, Michael J. Madison
Understanding Judgments Recognition, Ronald A. Brand
Unearthing the Lost History of Seminole Rock, Amy J. Wildermuth and Sanne H. Knudsen
Uni-State Lawyers and Multinational Practice: Dealing with International, Transnational, and Foreign Law, Ronald A. Brand
Unprotected Sex: The Pregnancy Discrimination Act at 35, Deborah L. Brake and Joanna L. Grossman
Unwarranted Assumptions in the Prosecution and Defense of Hate Crimes, Lu-in Wang
U.S. Discovery and Foreign Blocking Statutes, Vivian Grosswald Curran
U.S. Discovery in a Transnational and Digital Age and the Increasing Need for Comparative Analysis, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Using Culture in the Classroom: Enhancing Learning for International Law Students, Teresa Brostoff
Value Hypocrisy and Policy Sincerity: A Food Law Case Study, Joshua Galperin
Veil-Piercing, Peter B. Oh
Veil-Piercing Unbound, Peter B. Oh
Victims of Our Own Success: The Perils of Obergefell and Windsor, Anthony C. Infanti
What Counts as 'Discrimination' in Ledbetter and the Implications for Sex Equality Law, Deborah L. Brake
What Internationals Know: Improving the Effectiveness of Post-Conflict Justice Initiatives, Elena Baylis
What's News?, Michael J. Madison
What We Talk About When We Talk About Tax Exemption, Philip Hackney
When Equality Leaves Everyone Worse Off: The Problem of Leveling Down in Equality Law, Deborah Brake
When Judges Are Accused: An Initial Look at the New Federal Judicial Misconduct Rules, Arthur D. Hellman
When Machines are Watching: How Warrantless Use of GPS Surveillance Technology Violates the Fourth Amendment Right Against Unreasonable Searches, David Thaw, Priscilla Smith, Nabiha Syed, and Albert Wong
When the Customer Is King: Employment Discrimination as Customer Service, Lu-in Wang
Whren's Flawed Assumptions Regarding Race, History, and Unconscious Bias, William M. Carter Jr.
Wrestling with Gender: Constructing Masculinity by Refusing to Wrestle Women, Deborah Brake
Writing to Learn Law and Writing in Law: An Intellectual Property Illustration, Michael J. Madison
Written Testimony of Gerald S. Dickinson for the U.S. Senate Hearing on Fencing Along the Southwest Border (Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs), Gerald S. Dickinson
Yesterday Once More: Skeptics, Scribes and the Demise of Law Reviews, Bernard J. Hibbitts
You Say You Want a Revolution: Interpretive Communities and the Origins of Islamic Finance, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Zapata Retold: Attorneys' Fees are (Still) Not Governed by the CISG, Harry Flechtner and Joseph Lookofsky