Submissions from 2020
Federal Rule 44.1: Foreign Law in U.S. Courts Today, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Intratextual and Intradoctrinal Dimensions of the Constitutional Home, Gerald S. Dickinson
Parental Autonomy over Prenatal End-of-Life Decisions, Greer Donley
The Legal and Medical Necessity of Abortion Care Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Greer Donley, Beatrice Chen, and Sonya Borrero
The Life of Administrative Democracy, Joshua Galperin
The 1969 Tax Reform Act and Charities: Fifty Years Later, Philip Hackney
Racial Profiling: Past, Present, and Future, David A. Harris
The Supreme Court’s Two Constitutions: A First Look at the “Reverse Polarity” Cases, Arthur D. Hellman
Distance Legal Education: Lessons from the *Virtual* Classroom, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Tools for Data Governance, Michael J. Madison
A History of the Law of Assisted Dying in the United States, Alan Meisel
(Systems) Thinking Like a Lawyer, Tomar Pierson-Brown
Reimagining the Death Penalty: Targeting Christians, Conservatives, SpearIt
The Future of Law Schools: COVID-19, Technology, and Social Justice, Christian Sundquist
Foreword: The Dispossessed Majority: Resisting the Second Redemption in América PosFascista (Postfascist America) with LatCrit Scholarship, Community, and Praxis Amidst the Global Pandemic, Sheila I. Velez Martinez
Family Law Disputes Between International Couples in U.S. Courts, Rhonda Wasserman
Submissions from 2019
Using AI to Analyze Patent Claim Indefiniteness, Dean Alderucci and Kevin D. Ashley
Automatically Extracting Meaning from Legal Texts: Opportunities and Challenges, Kevin D. Ashley
The International Law Commission's Soft Law Influence, Elena Baylis
Ostrom Amongst the Machines: Blockchain as a Knowledge Commons, Herminio Bodon, Pedro Bustamante, Marcela Gomez, Prashabnt Krishnamurthy, Michael J. Madison, Ilia Murtazashvili, Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili, Tymofiy Mylovanov, and Martin B. H. Weiss
Coworker Retaliation in the #MeToo Era, Deborah Brake
Harry Flechtner--A True Teacher/Scholar, with Rhythm, Ronald A. Brand
Online Dispute Resolution, Ronald A. Brand
The Circulation of Judgments Under the Draft Hague Judgments Convention, Ronald A. Brand
The CISG: Applicable Law and Applicable Forums, Ronald A. Brand
No-Hire Provisions in McDonald's Franchise Agreements, an Antitrust Violations or Evidence of Joint Employer?, Andrele Brutus St. Val
Opioids and Converging Interests, Mary Crossley
Threats to Medicaid and Health Equity Intersections, Mary Crossley
The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act's Evolving Genocide Exception, Vivian Grosswald Curran
State Constitutional General Welfare Doctrine, Gerald S. Dickinson
The Puzzle of the Constitutional Home, Gerald S. Dickinson
Contraceptive Equity: Curing the Sex Discrimination in the ACA's Mandate, Greer Donley
Regulation of Encapsulated Placenta, Greer Donley
The Past, Present and Future of the CISG (and Other Uniform Commercial Code Law Initiatives), Harry Flechtner
Is Blockchain the Next Step in the Evolution Chain of [Market] Intermediaries?, Marcela Gomez, Pedro Bustamante, Martin B. H. Weiss, Ilia Murtazashvili, Michael J. Madison, Wilson Law, Tymofiy Mylovanov, Herminio Bodon, and Prashabnt Krishnamurthy
An Unfinished Dialogue: Congress, the Judiciary, and the Rules for Federal Judicial Misconduct Proceedings, Arthur D. Hellman
The Critical Tax Project, Feminist Theory, and Rewriting Judicial Opinions, Anthony C. Infanti and Bridget J. Crawford
Are Literary Agents (Really) Fiduciaries?, Jacqueline Lipton
Everything Old Is New Again: Does the '.sucks' gTLD Change the Regulatory Paradigm in North America?, Jacqueline D. Lipton
What's News?, Michael J. Madison
Foreword to Latcrit 2017 Symposium: What's Next? Resistance Resilience and Community in the Trump Era, Sarudzayi M. Matambanadzo, Jorge R. Roig, and Sheila I. Velez Martinez
De-Limiting Rules, Peter B. Oh
Disregarding the Salomon Principle: An Empirical Analysis, 1885–2014, Peter B. Oh and Alan J. Dignam
Exploring Diversity with a "Culture Box" in First-Year Legal Writing, Ann N. Sinsheimer
Uncovering Juror Racial Bias, Christian Sundquist
Administrative Truth: Comments on Cortez’s Information Mischief, David Thaw
Dignity Transacted, Lu-in Wang and Zachary W. Brewster
Submissions from 2018
Doctrinal Reasoning as a Disruptive Practice, Jessie Allen
Recognition of Foreign Judgments in China: The Liu Case and the 'Belt and Road' Initiative, Ronald A. Brand
A Case of Motivated Cultural Cognition: China's Normative Arbitration of International Business Disputes, Pat K. Chew
Bundling Justice: Medicaid's Support for Housing, Mary Crossley
Essay: Cooperative Federalism and Federal Takings After the Trump Administration's Border Wall Executive Order, Gerald S. Dickinson
Federalism, Convergence, and Divergence in Constitutional Property, Gerald S. Dickinson
Property Musings at the U.S.-Mexico Border, Gerald S. Dickinson
The Broken Medicare Appeals System: Failed Regulatory Solutions and the Promise of Federal Litigation, Greer Donley
Board Rooms and Jail Cells- Assessing NGO Approaches to Private Environmental Governance, Joshua Galperin
Pragmatism, Pragtivism, and Private Environmental Governance, Joshua Galperin
Terry Stops and Frisks: The Troubling Use of Common Sense in a World of Empirical Data, David A. Harris and David Rudovsky
Tenure Redux, Jacqueline D. Lipton
An Invitation Regarding Law and Legal Education, and Imagining the Future, Michael J. Madison
The Technologies of Race: Big Data, Privacy and the New Racial Bioethics, Christian Sundquist
Critical Race IP, Anjali Vats and Deidre A. Keller
Ascertainability: Prose, Policy, and Process, Rhonda Wasserman
Submissions from 2017
The Persuasive Authority of Internationalized Criminal Tribunals, Elena Baylis
Back to Basics: Excavating the Sex Discrimination Roots of Campus Sexual Assault, Deborah Brake
Fighting the Rape Culture Wars Through the Preponderance of the Evidence Standard, Deborah Brake
The Shifting Sands of Employment Discrimination: From Unjustified Impact to Disparate Treatment in Pregnancy and Pay, Deborah L. Brake
The Continuing Evolution of U.S. Judgments Recognition Law, Ronald A. Brand
Comparing the Effects of Judges' Gender and Arbitrators' Gender in Sex Discrimination Cases and Why It Matters, Pat K. Chew
Contextual Analysis in Arbitration, Pat K. Chew
Opening the Red Door to Chinese Arbitrations: An Empirical Analysis of CIETAC Cases (1990-2000), Pat K. Chew
Community Integration of People with Disabilities: Can Olmstead Protect Against Retrenchment?, Mary Crossley
Ending-Life Decisions: Some Disability Perspectives, Mary Crossley
Law and Human Suffering: A Slice of Life in Vichy France, Vivian Grosswald Curran
U.S. Discovery in a Transnational and Digital Age and the Increasing Need for Comparative Analysis, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Inclusionary Takings Legislation, Gerald S. Dickinson
Landowners' FCC Dilemma: Rereading the Supreme Court's Armstrong Opinion After the Third Circuit's DePolo Ruling, Gerald S. Dickinson
Trust Me, I'm a Pragmatist: A Partially Pragmatic Critique of Pragmatic Activism, Joshua Galperin
Value Hypocrisy and Policy Sincerity: A Food Law Case Study, Joshua Galperin
Eating Is Not Political Action, Joshua Galperin, Graham Downey, and D. Lee Miller
Defining and Closing the Hydraulic Fracturing Governance Gap, Joshua Galperin, Grace Heusner, and Allison Sloto
Prop Up the Heavenly Chorus? Labor Unions, Tax Policy, and Political Voice Equality, Philip Hackney
IP Things as Boundary Objects: The Case of the Copyright Work, Michael J. Madison
Firepower to the People: Gun Rights & Self-Defense to Curb Police Misconduct, SpearIt
Not for Free: Exploring the Collateral Costs of Diversity in Legal Education, SpearIt
Beyond The 'Resiliency' and 'Grit' Narrative in Legal Education: Race, Class and Gender Considerations, Christian Sundquist
Positive Education Federalism: The Promise of Equality after the Every Student Succeeds Act, Christian Sundquist
Cybersecurity Stovepiping, David Thaw
Ancient Worries and Modern Fears: Different Roots and Common Effects of U.S. and EU Privacy Regulation, David Thaw and Pierluigi Perri
Submissions from 2016
Lessons from the Gender Equality Movement: Using Title IX to Foster Inclusive Masculinities in Men's Sport, Deborah L. Brake
Reviving Paycheck Fairness: Why and How the Factor-Other-Than-Sex Defense Matters, Deborah L. Brake
The Trouble with 'Bureaucracy', Deborah L. Brake
Class as Caste: The Thirteenth Amendment’s Applicability to Class-Based Subordination, William M. Carter Jr.
Whren's Flawed Assumptions Regarding Race, History, and Unconscious Bias, William M. Carter Jr.
Black Health Matters: Disparities, Community Health, and Interest Convergence, Mary Crossley
Health and Taxes: Hospitals, Community Health and the IRS, Mary Crossley
Rick's Taxonomy, Mary Crossley
Harmonizing Multinational Parent Company Liability for Foreign Subsidiary Human Rights Violations, Vivian Grosswald Curran
U.S. Discovery and Foreign Blocking Statutes, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Not the Solution to the High Cost of Long-Term Care for the Elderly, Lawrence A. Frolik