Submissions from 2009
Notes on a Geography of Knowledge, Michael J. Madison
Of Coase and Comics, or, The Comedy of Copyright, Michael J. Madison
The University as Constructed Cultural Commons, Michael J. Madison, Brett M. Frischmann, and Katherine J. Strandburg
On Race Theory and Norms, Christian Sundquist
Submissions from 2008
A Theory of Adjudication: Law as Magic, Jessie Allen
Tribunal-Hopping with the Post-Conflict Justice Junkies, Elena Baylis
The Invisible Pregnant Athlete and the Promise of Title IX, Deborah Brake
The Failure of Title VII as a Rights-Claiming System, Deborah Brake and Joanna L. Grossman
What Counts as 'Discrimination' in Ledbetter and the Implications for Sex Equality Law, Deborah L. Brake
The Heart of the Game: Putting Race and Educational Equity at the Center of Title IX, Deborah L. Brake and Verna L. Williams
Rethinking Subsidiarity in International Human Rights Adjudication, William M. Carter Jr.
Non-Profit Hospitals, Tax Exemptions and Access for the Uninsured, Mary Crossley
Globalization, Legal Transnationalization and Crimes Against Humanity: The Lipietz Case, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Funky Mussels, a Stolen Car, and Decrepit Used Shoes: Non-Conforming Goods and Notice Thereof under the United Nations Sales Convention, Harry Flechtner
Core Values in Conflict: The United States Approach to Economic Assistance to the Elderly, Lawrence A. Frolik
Baghdad Booksellers, Basra Carpet Merchants, and the Law of God and Man: Legal Pluralism and the Contemporary Muslim Experience, Haider Ala Hamoudi
The Muezzin's Call and the Dow Jones Bell: On the Necessity of Realism in the Study of Islamic Law, Haider Ala Hamoudi
You Say You Want a Revolution: Interpretive Communities and the Origins of Islamic Finance, Haider Ala Hamoudi
'The Law of the Circuit' Revisited: What Role for Majority Rule?, Arthur D. Hellman
When Judges Are Accused: An Initial Look at the New Federal Judicial Misconduct Rules, Arthur D. Hellman
Kinship Foster Care: Implications of Behavioral Biology Research, David J. Herring
Book Review of 'Havens in a Storm: The Struggle for Global Tax Regulation', Anthony C. Infanti
Deconstructing the Duty to the Tax System: Unfettering Zealous Advocacy on Behalf of Lesbian and Gay Taxpayers, Anthony C. Infanti
Tax as Urban Legend, Anthony C. Infanti
Tax Equity, Anthony C. Infanti
A Winning Solution for Youtube and Utube? Corresponding Trademarks and Domain Name Sharing, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Celebrity in Cyberspace: A Personality Rights Paradigm for Personal Domain Name Disputes, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Who Owns 'Hillary.Com'? Political Speech and the First Amendment in Cyberspace, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Conflicts between the Commander in Chief and Congress: Concurrent Power Over the Conduct of War, Jules Lobel
Prolonged Solitary Confinement and the Constitution, Jules Lobel
Intellectual Property and Americana, or Why IP Gets the Blues, Michael J. Madison
Writing to Learn Law and Writing in Law: An Intellectual Property Illustration, Michael J. Madison
A View of the Dutch IPO Cathedral, Peter B. Oh
The Meaning of Race in the DNA Era: Science, History and the Law, Christian Sundquist
Are You Still My Mother?: Interstate Recognition of Adoptions by Gays and Lesbians, Rhonda Wasserman
Submissions from 2007
Parallel Courts in Post-Conflict Kosovo, Elena Baylis
Sending the Bureaucracy to War, Elena Baylis and David Zaring
Title IX as Pragmatic Feminism, Deborah Brake
Perceiving Subtle Sexism: Mapping the Social-Psychological Forces and Legal Narratives that Obscure Gender Bias, Deborah L. Brake
Judicial Review and United States Supreme Court Citations to Foreign and International Law, Ronald A. Brand
Using Culture in the Classroom: Enhancing Learning for International Law Students, Teresa Brostoff
Search Me?, John Burkoff
Judicial Review of Thirteenth Amendment Legislation: 'Congruence and Proportionality' or 'Necessary and Proper'?, William M. Carter Jr.
Race, Rights, and the Thirteenth Amendment: Defining the Badges and Incidents of Slavery, William M. Carter Jr.
Subtly Sexist Language, Pat K. Chew and Lauren K. Kelley-Chew
Zapata Retold: Attorneys' Fees are (Still) Not Governed by the CISG, Harry Flechtner and Joseph Lookofsky
An Essay on the Need for Subsidized, Mandatory Long-Term Care Insurance, Lawrence A. Frolik
Is a Guardian the Alter Ego of the Ward?, Lawrence A. Frolik
Jurisprudential Schizophrenia: On Form and Function in Islamic Finance, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Muhammad's Social Justice or Muslim Cant?: Langdellianism and the Failures of Islamic Finance, Haider Ala Hamoudi
The Importance of Research on Race and Policing: Making Race Salient to Individuals and Institutions Within Criminal Justice, David A. Harris
Justice O'Connor and 'The Threat to Judicial Independence': The Cowgirl Who Cried Wolf?, Arthur D. Hellman
The Regulation of Judicial Ethics in the Federal System: A Peek Behind Closed Doors, Arthur D. Hellman
Legal Scholarship, Humility, and the Scientific Method, David J. Herring
The Preventive Paradigm and the Perils of Ad Hoc Balancing, Jules Lobel
Fair Use and Social Practices, Michael J. Madison
Suppose the Schindlers Had Won the Schiavo Case, Alan Meisel
The Dutch Auction Myth, Peter B. Oh
Derrick Bell's Narratives as Parables, George H. Taylor
The Curious Complications with Back-End Opt-Out Rights, Rhonda Wasserman
Massachusetts v. EPA: Breaking New Ground on Issues Other than Global Warming, Amy J. Wildermuth and Kathryn A. Watts
Submissions from 2006
Computer Models for Legal Prediction, Kevin D. Ashley and Stephanie Bruninghaus
CISG Article 31: When Substantive Law Rules Affect Jurisdictional Results, Ronald A. Brand
Freeing Racial Harassment from the Sexual Harassment Model, Pat K. Chew
The War on Terror, Local Police, and Immigration Enforcement: A Curious Tale of Police Power in Post-9/11 America, David A. Harris
The view from the trenches: report on the breakout sessions at the 2005 national conference on appellate justice, Arthur D. Hellman
Foster Care Safety and the Kinship Cue of Attitude Similarity, David J. Herring
Homo Sacer, Homosexual: Some Thoughts on Waging Tax Guerrilla Warfare, Anthony C. Infanti
IP's Problem Child: Shifting the Paradigms for Software Protection, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Lobbying Disclosure: A Recipe for Reform, William Luneburg and Thomas Susman
Social Software, Groups, and Governance, Michael J. Madison
The Idea of the Law Review: Scholarship, Prestige, and Open Access, Michael J. Madison
Stepparents as Third Parties in Relation to Their Stepchildren, Margaret Mahoney
Tracing, Peter B. Oh
Race, Religion and Law: The Tension Between Spirit and its Institutionalization, George H. Taylor
Metaphor, Objects, and Commodities, George H. Taylor and Michael J. Madison
Tolling: The American Pipe Tolling Rule and Successive Class Actions, Rhonda Wasserman
Solving the Puzzle of Mead and Christensen: What Would Justice Stevens Do?, Amy J. Wildermuth
Submissions from 2005
Minority Rights, Minority Wrongs, Elena Baylis
Retaliation, Deborah Brake
European Union's New Role in International Private Litigation, Ronald A. Brand
Federalism and the Allocation of Sovereignty Beyond the State in the European Union, Ronald A. Brand
Punitive Damages Revisited: Taking the Rationale for Non-Recognition of Foreign Judgments Too Far, Ronald A. Brand
The Lugano Case in the European Court of Justice: Evolving European Union Competence in Private International Law, Ronald A. Brand
The Fourth Amendment and Terrorism, John Burkoff
The Rule of Law: China's Skepticism and the Rule of People, Pat K. Chew
Dimensions of Equality in Regulating Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Mary Crossley
Discrimination Against the Unhealthy in Health Insurance, Mary Crossley
Re-Membering Law in the Internationalizing World, Vivian Grosswald Curran
The Role of Foreign Languages in Educating Lawyers for Transnational Challenges, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Nominating Manfred Forberich: The Worst CISG Decision in 25 Years?, Harry Flechtner and Joseph Lookofsky
Toward a Rule of Law Society in Iraq: Introducing Clinical Legal Education into Iraqi Law Schools, Haider Ala Hamoudi
Beyond Cybersquatting: Taking Domain Name Disputes Past Trademark Policy, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Solving the Digital Piracy Puzzle: Disaggregating Fair Use from the DMCA's Anti-Device Provisions, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Emote Control: The Substitution of Symbol for Substance in Foreign Policy and International Law, Jules Lobel and George Loewenstein
Law as Design: Objects, Concepts, and Digital Things, Michael J. Madison
Rewriting Fair Use and the Future of Copyright Reform, Michael J. Madison