Submissions from 2025
Professional Responsibility and Privilege in the Cross-Border Practice of Law, Ronald A. Brand
The Case for a US Declaration Under Article 22 of the Choice of Court Convention, Ronald A. Brand
The Law(s) of the Arbitration Agreement, Ronald A. Brand
Distance Learning: New Tech, Old Problems, Andrele Brutus St. Val
Professional Identity Formation Through Exploring Academic, Professional, and Personal Well-Being, Andrele Brutus St. Val and Ann N. Sinsheimer
From Medical Exceptions to Reproductive Freedom, David S. Cohen and Greer Donley
Shifting Sands for the Stateless Under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Vivian Grosswald Curran
A Neo-Federalist View of the Supreme Court’s Docket: Analyzing Case Selection and Ideological Alignment, Arthur D. Hellman
Ten Years After Windsor and Obergefell: The Tax Inequalities of Marriage Equality, Anthony C. Infanti
Submissions from 2024
Property's More-than-Human Personhood, Jessie Allen
Introductory Note to Cassirer v. Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation (9th Cir.), Elena Baylis
Looted Cultural Objects, Elena Baylis
The New Gender Panic in Sport: Why State Laws Banning Transgender Athletes Are Unconstitutional, Deborah Brake
"Trans Talk" and the First Amendment, William M. Carter Jr.
Charity's Neighborhoods, Mary Crossley
Reconciling Brennanian and Brandeisian Laboratories, Gerald S. Dickinson
Revisiting Rucho's Dissent: Percolation and Federalization, Gerald S. Dickinson
Are Embryos or Fetuses Brain Dead? Implications for the Abortion Debate, Greer Donley
Abortion Disorientation, Greer Donley and Caroline M. Kelly
Keep Charitable Oversight in the IRS, Philip Hackney
Toward a Better Criminal Legal System: Improving Prisons, Prosecution, and Criminal Defense, David A. Harris and Created and Presented Jointly by Students from State Correctional Institution - Greene, Waynesburg, PA, and University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Chief Editor: David A. Harris
The Federal Question Jurisdiction Under Article III: “First in the Minds of the Framers,” But Today, Perhaps, Falling Short of the Framers’ Expectations, Arthur D. Hellman
Knowledge Commons Past, Present, and Future, Michael J. Madison
Submissions from 2023
Response by Tax-Exempt Organization Scholars to Request for Information, Ellen P. Aprill, Roger Colinvaux, Brian D. Galle, Philip Hackney, and Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer
The Futures of Law, Lawyers, and Law Schools: A Dialogue, Sameer M. Ashar, Benjamin H. Barton, Michael J. Madison, and Rachel F. Moran
Post-Conflict Reconciliation in Ukraine, Elena Baylis
The Impact of US Abortion Policy on Rheumatology Clinical Practice: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Rheumatologists, Bonnie L. Bermas, Irene Blanco, Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, Ashira D. Blazer, Megan E.B. Clowse, Cuoghi Edens, Greer Donley, Leslie Pierce, Catherine Wright, and Mehret Birru Talabi
Introduction to a Festschrift Honoring Professor Rhonda Wasserman, Deborah L. Brake
Title IX's Trans Panic, Deborah L. Brake
Provisional Measures in Aid of Arbitration, Ronald A. Brand
Abortion Pills, David S. Cohen, Greer Donley, and Rachel Rebouché
Affirmatively Furthering Health Equity, Mary Crossley
The International Legal Order and the Rule of Law, Vivian Grosswald Curran
A Theory of Federalization Doctrine, Gerald S. Dickinson
Judicial Federalization Doctrine, Gerald S. Dickinson
Takings Federalization, Gerald S. Dickinson
The Fourth Amendment's Constitutional Home, Gerald S. Dickinson
The New Laboratories of Democracy, Gerald S. Dickinson
Urgenda vs. Juliana: Lessons for Future Climate Change Litigation Cases, Paolo Davide Farah and Imad Antoine Ibrahim
Climate Justice in the Anthropocene and Its Relationship with Science and Technology: The Importance of Ethics of Responsibility, Paolo Davide Farah and Alessio Lo Giudice
When John Locke Meets Lao Tzu: The Relationship Between Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge and the Implications for Food Security, Paolo Davide Farah and Marek Prityi
Public Ownership and the WTO in a Post Covid-19 Era: From Trade Disputes to a 'Social' Function, Paolo Davide Farah and Davide Zoppolato
Public Good Through Charter Schools?, Philip Hackney
A More Capacious Concept of Church, Philip Hackney and Samuel D. Brunson
Creating a Better, Fairer Criminal Justice System, David A. Harris and Created and Presented Jointly by Students from State Correctional Institution - Greene, Waynesburg, PA, and University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Chief Editor: David A. Harris
A Further Look at a Hague Convention on Concurrent Proceedings, Paul Herrup and Ronald A. Brand
Layered Fiduciaries in the Information Age, Zhaoyi Li
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Large Language Models in Zero-Shot Semantic Annotation of Legal Texts, Jaromir Savelka and Kevin D. Ashley
Surveillance Normalization, Christian Sundquist
Submissions from 2022
Changing Every Wrong Door into the Right One: Reforming Legal Services Intake to Empower Clients, Jabeen Adawi
White Supremacy, Police Brutality, and Family Separation: Preventing Crimes Against Humanity Within the United States, Elena Baylis
Theory Matters—And Ten More Things I Learned from Martha Chamallas About Feminism, Law, and Gender, Deborah L. Brake
Survey Says--How to Engage Law Students in the Online Learning Environment, Andrele Brutus St. Val
Government by Code? Blockchain Applications to Public Sector Governance, Pedro Bustamante, Meina Cai, Marcela Gomez, Colin Harris, Prashabnt Krishnamurthy, Wilson Law, Michael J. Madison, Ilia Murtazashvili, Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili, Tymofiy Mylovanov, Nataliia Shapoval, Annette Vee, and Martin B. H. Weiss
Re-Thinking Strategy After Roe, David S. Cohen, Greer Donley, and Rachel Rebouché
The New Abortion Battleground, David S. Cohen, Greer Donley, and Rachel Rebouché
Nazi Stolen Art: Uses and Misuses of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Reviving Liberal Constitutionalism with Originalism in Emergency Powers Doctrine, Gerald S. Dickinson
Medication Abortion Exceptionalism, Greer Donley
Abortion, Pregnancy Loss, & Subjective Fetal Personhood, Greer Donley and Jill Wieber Lens
Liberalism Triumphant? Ideology and the En Banc Process in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Arthur D. Hellman
A Hague Parallel Proceedings Convention: Architecture and Features, Paul Herrup and Ronald A. Brand
Critical Tax Theory: Insights from the US and Opportunities for All, Anthony C. Infanti and Bridget J. Crawford
Judicial Review of Directors' Duty of Care: A Comparison Between U.S. & China, Zhaoyi Li
Participatory Litigation: A New Framework for Impact Lawyering, Jules Lobel
Too Much of a Good Thing? A Governing Knowledge Commons Review of Abundance in Context, Michael J. Madison, Brett M. Frischmann, Madelyn Sanfilippo, and Katherine J. Strandburg
Blockchain Networks as Knowledge Commons, Ilia Murtazashvili, Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili, Martin B. H. Weiss, and Michael J. Madison
Calls for Change: Seeing Cancel Culture from a Multi-Level Perspective, Tomar Pierson-Brown
Listening to Our Students: Fostering Resilience and Engagement to Promote Culture Change in Legal Education, Ann N. Sinsheimer and Omid Fotuhi
Muslims in Prison: Advancing the Rule of Law Through Litigation Praxis, SpearIt
White Vigilantism and the Racism of Race-Neutrality, Christian Sundquist
COLOR OF CREATORSHIP - Author's Response, Anjali Vats
The Racial Politics of Fair Use Fetishism, Anjali Vats
Reframing Hate, Lu-in Wang
Submissions from 2021
Lawyers for White People?, Jessie Allen
The Hague Judgments Convention in the United States: A “Game Changer” or a New Path to the Old Game?, Ronald A. Brand
UNCITRAL, Access to Justice, and the Future of Online Dispute Resolution, Ronald A. Brand
The Vulnerable Sovereign, Ronald A. Brand
The Folly of the Embedded Full Citation: How the Bluebook and ALWD Manuals Encourage Weak Legal Writing, Ben Bratman
The Second Founding and the First Amendment, William M. Carter Jr.
Hiding Sexual Harassment: Myths and Realities, Pat K. Chew
Prisons, Nursing Homes, and Medicaid: A COVID-19 Case Study in Health Injustice, Mary Crossley
Appraising the U.S. Supreme Court’s Philipp Decision, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Second-Trimester Abortion Dangertalk, Greer Donley and Jill Wieber Lens
Latina and Latino Critical Legal Theory: LatCrit Theory, Praxis and Community, Marc Tizoc Gonzaléz, Sarudzayi M. Matambanadzo, and Sheila I. Velez Martinez
Dark Money Darker? IRS Shutters Collection of Donor Data, Philip Hackney
Political Justice and Tax Policy: The Social Welfare Organization Case, Philip Hackney
A Hague Convention on Parallel Proceedings, Paul Herrup and Ronald A. Brand
Hegemonic Marriage: The Collision of 'Transformative' Same-Sex Marriage with Reactionary Tax Law, Anthony C. Infanti
Domestic Courts and the Generation of Norms in International Law, Charles T. Kotoby Jr.
Fair Play: Notes on the Algorithmic Soccer Referee, Michael J. Madison
9/11 Impacts on Muslims in Prison, SpearIt
Pandemic Surveillance Discrimination, Christian Sundquist
Technology and the (Re)Construction of Law, Christian Sundquist
Temporality in a Time of Tam, or Towards a Racial Chronopolitics of Intellectual Property Law, Anjali Vats
Race, Dignity, and Commerce, Lu-in Wang
Submissions from 2020
Reproducing Inequality Under Title IX, Deborah L. Brake and Joanna L. Grossman
Comparative Method and International Litigation 2020, Ronald A. Brand
Reproducing Dignity: Race, Disability, and Reproductive Controls, Mary Crossley