Submissions from 2005
Forces Shaping the Law of Cohabitation of Opposite Sex Couples, Margaret Mahoney
The Ten Commandments as Secular Historic Artifact or Sacred Religious Text: Using Modrovich V. Allegheny County to Illustrate How Words Create Reality, Ann N. Sinsheimer
Submissions from 2004
Capturing the Dialectic between Principles and Cases, Kevin D. Ashley
Beyond Rights: Legal Process and Ethnic Conflicts, Elena Baylis
Revisiting Title IX's Feminist Legacy: Moving Beyond The Three-Part Test, Deborah Brake
When Equality Leaves Everyone Worse Off: The Problem of Leveling Down in Equality Law, Deborah Brake
A Global Convention on Choice of Court Agreements, Ronald A. Brand
'A Flame of Fire': The Fourth Amendment in Perilous Times, John Burkoff
A Thirteenth Amendment Framework for Combating Racial Profiling, William M. Carter Jr.
The Pervasiveness of Culture in Conflict, Pat K. Chew
Racism's Past and Law's Future, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Foster Care Placement: Reducing the Risk of Sibling Incest, David J. Herring
Tax Protest, a Homosexual, and Frivolity: A Deconstructionist Meditation, Anthony C. Infanti
Courts as Forums for Protest, Jules Lobel
A Pattern-Oriented Approach to Fair Use, Michael J. Madison
The Narratives of Cyberspace Law (or, Learning from Casablanca), Michael J. Madison
Where Does Creativity Come from? And Other Stories of Copyright, Michael J. Madison
Gatekeeping, Peter B. Oh
Racism as 'The National Crucial Sin': Theology and Derrick Bell, George H. Taylor
Race as Proxy: Situational Racism and Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes, Lu-in Wang
Submissions from 2003
Enron - When All Systems Fail: Creative Destruction or Roadmap to Corporate Governance Reform?, Douglas M. Branson
Trust Me, I’m a Judge: Why Binding Judicial Notice of Jurisdictional Facts Violates the Right to Jury Trial, William M. Carter Jr.
Infected Judgment: Legal Responses to Physician Bias, Mary Crossley
Reasonable Accommodation as Part and Parcel of the Antidiscrimination Project, Mary Crossley
Politicizing the Crime Against Humanity: The French Example, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Sex, Drugs, and Democracy: Who's Afraid of Free Speech?, Arthur D. Hellman
Child Placement Decisions: The Relevance of Facial Resemblance and Biological Relationships, David J. Herring
Preventive Detention: Prisoners, Suspected Terrorists and Permanent Emergency, Jules Lobel
Reconstructing the Software License, Michael J. Madison
Rights of Access and the Shape of the Internet, Michael J. Madison
The Lawyer as Legal Scholar, Michael J. Madison
A Jurisdictional Approach to Collapsing Corporate Distinctions, Peter B. Oh
Critical Praxis, Spirit Healing and Community Activism: Preserving a Subversive Dialogue on Reparations, Christian Sundquist
Submissions from 2002
Community Competence for Matters of Judicial Cooperation at the Hague Conference on Private International Law: A View from the United States, Ronald A. Brand
Comparative Forum Non Conveniens and the Hague Judgments Convention, Ronald A. Brand
Sovereignty: The State, the Individual, and the International Legal System in the Twenty First Century, Ronald A. Brand
The Rule that Isn't a Rule - the Business Judgment Rule, Douglas M. Branson
The Social Responsibility of Large Multinational Corporations, Douglas M. Branson
Brandeis & Warren's 'The Right to Privacy and the Birth of the Right to Privacy', Ben Bratman
The Mote in Thy Brother’s Eye: A Review of Human Rights as Politics and Idolatry, William M. Carter Jr.
Promoting Judicial Acceptance and Use of Limited Guardianship, Lawrence A. Frolik
The Developing Field of Elder Law Redux: Ten Years After, Lawrence A. Frolik
Chief Judge Proctor Hug, Jr. and the Split that Didn't Happen, Arthur D. Hellman
Judicial Activism: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Arthur D. Hellman
Behavioral Genetics and the Best Interests of the Child Decision Rule, David J. Herring
The War on Terrorism and Civil Liberties, Jules Lobel
Equal Opportunity, Individual Liberty and Meritocracy in Education: Reinforcing Structures of Privilege and Inequality, Christian Sundquist
Can a Theory of Interpretation Make a Difference?, George H. Taylor
Hate Crimes and Everyday Discrimination: Influences of and on the Social Context, Lu-in Wang
Unwarranted Assumptions in the Prosecution and Defense of Hate Crimes, Lu-in Wang
Submissions from 2001
The Struggle for Sex Equality in Sport and the Theory Behind Title IX, Deborah Brake
School Liability for Peer Sexual Harassment after Davis: Shifting from Intent to Causation in Discrimination Law, Deborah L. Brake
Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce and the Preliminary Draft Hague Jurisdiction and Judgments Convention, Ronald A. Brand
Uni-State Lawyers and Multinational Practice: Dealing with International, Transnational, and Foreign Law, Ronald A. Brand
Corporate Governance Reform and the 'New' Corporate Social Responsibility, Douglas M. Branson
The Very Uncertain Prospect of 'Global' Convergence in Corporate Governance, Douglas M. Branson
Competing Frameworks for Assessing Contemporary Holocaust-Era Claims, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Romantic Common Law, Enlightened Civil Law: Legal Uniformity and the Homogenization of the European Union, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Comparing the General Good Faith Provisions of the PECL and the UCC: Appearance and Reality, Harry Flechtner
Troxel and the Rhetoric of Associational Respect, David J. Herring
Curtailing Tax Treaty Overrides: A Call to Action, Anthony C. Infanti
The Proposed Domestic Reverse Hybrid Entity Regulations: Can the Treasury Department Override Treaties?, Anthony C. Infanti
What's My Copy Right?, Michael J. Madison
'Suitable Targets'? Parallels and Connections between 'Hate Crimes' and 'Driving While Black', Lu-in Wang
Submissions from 2000
Designing Electronic Casebooks that Talk Back: The Cato Program, Kevin D. Ashley
Becoming Visible: The ADA's Impact on Healthcare for Persons with Disabilities, Mary Crossley
Getting It Right: Panel Error and the En Banc Process in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Arthur D. Hellman
Clinical Legal Education: Energy and Transformation, David J. Herring
Benign Hegemony? Kosovo and Article 2(4) of the U.N. Charter, Jules Lobel
Complexity and Copyright in Contradiction, Michael J. Madison
Critical Hermeneutics: The Intertwining of Explanation and Understanding as Exemplified in Legal Analysis, George H. Taylor
Recognizing Opportunistic Bias Crimes, Lu-in Wang
Dueling Class Actions, Rhonda Wasserman
Submissions from 1999
The Cruelest of the Gender Police: Student-to-Student Sexual Harassment and Anti-Gay Peer Harassment Under Title IX, Deborah L. Brake
Due Process, Jurisdiction and a Hague Judgments Convention, Ronald A. Brand
The Disability Kaleidoscope, Mary Crossley
The Stories, the Statistics and the Law: Why 'Driving While Black' Matters University of Minnesota Law Review, Vol. 84, No. 2, 1999, David A. Harris
Documentary Credit Law and Practice in the Global Information Age, Jacqueline D. Lipton
Managed Care, Autonomy, and Decision-Making at The End-of-Life, Alan Meisel
Pharmacists, Physician-Assisted Suicide, and Pain Control, Alan Meisel
Submissions from 1998
Medicaid Managed Care and Disability Discrimination Issues, Mary Crossley
Car Wars: The Fourth Amendment's Death on the Highway, David A. Harris
Light on a Darkling Plain: Intercircuit Conflicts in the Perspective of Time and Experience, Arthur D. Hellman
Yesterday Once More: Skeptics, Scribes and the Demise of Law Reviews, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Legal-Ware: Contract and Copyright in the Digital Age, Michael J. Madison
Submissions from 1997
Direct Effect of International Economic Law in the United States and the European Union, Ronald A. Brand
Submissions from 1996
Sex as a Suspect Class: An Argument for Applying Strict Scrutiny to Gender Discrimination, Deborah Brake
Choice, Conscience, and Context, Mary Crossley
Last Writes? Re-Assessing the Law Review in the Age of Cyberspace, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Submissions from 1995
External Sovereignty and International Law, Ronald A. Brand
Medical Futility and Disability Discrimination, Mary Crossley
Making Motions: The Embodiment of Law in Gestures, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Submissions from 1994
Making Sense of Metaphors: Visuality, Aurality and the Reconfiguration of American Legal Discourse, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Submissions from 1993
International Trade Law and the Arbitration of Administrative Law Matters: Farrel v. U.S. International Trade Commission, Ronald A. Brand
Of Diagnoses and Discrimination: Discriminatory Nontreatment of Infants with HIV Infection, Mary Crossley
Submissions from 1992
Exchange Loss Damages and the Uniform Foreign-Money Claims Act: The Emperor Hasn't All His Clothes, Ronald A. Brand
'Coming to Our Senses': Communication and Legal Expression in Performance Cultures, Bernard J. Hibbitts
Submissions from 1991
Enforcement of Foreign Money-Judgments in the United States: In Search of Uniformity and International Acceptance, Ronald A. Brand
Submissions from 1983
Error Correction, Lawmaking, and the Supreme Court’s Exercise of Discretionary Review, Arthur D. Hellman
Submissions from 1978
The Business of the Supreme Court Under the Judiciary Act of 1925: The Plenary Docket in the 1970's, Arthur D. Hellman